Pic_15_1Man’s best friend deserves a dwelling as elegant and comfortable as its human counterparts. To cater to their coziness and ensure the best possible living space for the adorable companions, a number of dog kennels, crates and houses have been designed in various materials. Wood, being the obvious prime choice, is perfect to build dog crates customized to suit every puppy’s needs.

These crates are made of premium quality wood from the rich forests of the country. These are hand-crafted and every single order is abided to a tee. These wooden crates are customized by using different woods, shaping them into different designs and sizes and finally, are lined up with material specified by the client.

These crates are available in colonial style end tables. The crate is built fit to be used as an end table while your furryPic_15_2 friend slumbers under. These tables can be customized to have a door with a latch fitted. This end table classes up the décor and is a productive and smart purchase.

The wooden crates can also be made in contemporary style end tables and are graceful and fitting for a living room or a common area. These crates are also available as decently designed boxes, customized to have the pet’s name engraved on them. Quality finish and impeccable craftsmanship makes these wooden crates a must-have for every pet-owner.

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